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Alaant Advisor

Trust in Partnerships, Employer Brand Identity, and More!

Alaant Advisor Trust in Partnerships Employer Brand Identity
+ About the Alaant Advisor
The Alaant Advisor is our column focused on all things going on in the world of recruiting, job placement, and search. Think of it as your weekly briefing—a handy, quick guide to what's going on.

Here's what's happening this week:

Last Week’s QOTW Poll Results:

Q: If you’ve ever accepted a counteroffer, how long after did you stay at that job?

  • 3 months - 35%
  • 6 months - 10%
  • 9 months - 3%
  • More than 1 year - 52%

While it may be flattering to receive a counteroffer, it's essential to deliberate on why you considered leaving in the first place. Counteroffers often serve as temporary solutions that do not address the underlying reasons for an employee's initial desire to leave, such as workplace culture or leadership challenges.

Interestingly, while over half of the respondents remained for more than a year, this does not negate the importance of assessing a counteroffer critically. Remember, a salary increase, or a new title may provide short-term satisfaction, but they are unlikely to resolve deep-rooted issues.

Before making a decision, we encourage you to reflect on the counteroffer - is it a band-aid solution, or does it offer a meaningful path forward in your career?

About the Author

Miranda March Digital Strategist for Alaant Workforce Solutions

Miranda March, Digital Communications Specialist

Miranda has a real knack for connecting the dots between employers and job seekers. She prides herself on keeping a pulse on the national and local hiring markets. In her downtime, she enjoys cooking new foods and spending time with her family. A little-known fact about Miranda is her love of video games, new and old.

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