Alaant Spotlight:
Jill Wolski, Co-Founder/President, Greenstone Experiential Services, Inc.

The Alaant Spotlight features local leaders and businesses to highlight the great work they are doing in our community, sharing their career advice and/or secrets to success—in their own words. They are the people making a powerful impact for good across our region.
What motivates me to strive for greatness every day?
This is a great question because it asks about my "Why?". I am a clinical social worker with an established clinical business that is full and thriving. I am also the business owner of a newer firm, Greenstone Experiential Services (GreenstoneXP). So why am I juggling one perfectly good business while also managing another? The simple answer is that I have always felt called to do something important to help heal the world I see around me, to help people do better and be better. This is my life mission!
But my deeper answer as to "Why?" is also about the social, environmental and political climate we find ourselves in as a society and I see reflected in my clinical practice. I am hearing about high anxiety and isolation. And I am hearing about increased tensions in families, communities and at work. And I am seeing that as a society we don’t know how to fix these complicated personal and social problems.
I started Greenstone Experiential Services (GreenstoneXP) because I want to be part of new local solutions to heal the current crises in mental and social health. I want to bring people together in meaningful ways, to decrease anxiety and isolation and strengthen emotional and social intelligence so we can do and be better as individuals, as family members, as employees and as citizens. I also, wanted to help all people level-up their personal growth and development! Traditionally, people look for personal growth opportunities with a counselor in the field of mental health. But at GreenstoneXP, we offer amazing growth opportunities without needing a mental health diagnosis.
My "Why?" also includes what I see as the ineffectiveness of most workplace "trainings" in which an expert trainer delivers a clean and polished set of facts and the employees walk away feeling good but not able to implement the changes suggested. In these types of trainings, the learning process is solely cognitive, based on our thinking processes. At GreenstoneXP our training processes are in-action and engage the emotions, so the learnings are embodied and lasting, based on real experiences.
For example, in our workplace trainings, participants learn to communicate more effectively in a customer service setting or learn how to interact in a multicultural and multiracial environment in a way that is respectful and inclusive. In our growth and development groups, participants learn to implement a daily meditation practice, strengthen interpersonal communication skills, or gain the support needed to make positive changes stick.
About Greenstone Experiential Services, Inc.
GreenstoneXP provides workplace trainings and personal growth and development groups that produce real change in people, from the inside out. We provide transformational, in-action group experiences and group programming to improve interpersonal effectiveness and group social dynamics as well as teambuilding, conflict management, and diversity training. GreenstoneXP teaches essential skills needed in today's complex social and business environment.
For more information, please see our upcoming events at or contact me for more information or a free consultation on our curated workplace solutions.
About Jill
Jill Wolski, is a clinical social worker as well as president and co-founder of Greenstone Experiential Services (GreenstoneXP). She has 10 years of experience in the non-profit sector in director and board positions in mental health crisis and information and referral (I&R) services. She was a co-founder of, a national crisis texting service, and has worked in Employee Assistance as a trainer and direct service provider prior to opening her own clinical private practice in 2015 and co-founding GreenstoneXP in 2018. She has extensive experience facilitating therapeutic groups, workplace training sessions, critical incident debriefings and equine assisted learning sessions. Her passion is to bring people together to learn from one another and create connections and understanding between people. She believes that compassion and a willingness to listen to one another is one of the most powerful forces in our world. Ms. Wolski lives in Troy, New York with her two teenage children, stepson and husband. She enjoys yoga, meditation, biking, gardening and giving to others.
Jill Wolski
Connect with Jill on Linkedin
About the Author

Denise Anderson, Manager, Talent & Human Resource Operations
Denise loves helping people and organizations find their perfect fit —whether that is helping someone find a dream job or scoping out what role a company needs to fill and finding the right person for them. In her spare time, she likes to keep physically active and this year has competed in two sprint triathlons. Denise has 2 teenagers and has logged many miles over the years following them around the country to watch them compete in their sports events. When she is able to be at home on the weekends, she enjoys being on her boat, especially during the summer.