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6 Steps to Building Your Workforce Strategy for 2023

The arrival of the holiday season sends many of us into planning mode: What gifts will I buy, and for whom? What parties will I host and/or attend? What travel plans must be made to see family and friends?

It’s no different for businesses. As we reach the year’s home stretch, organizations are (hopefully) knee-deep in planning for the year ahead. That should include taking steps to ensure the needs of their most important asset – their workforce – are being assessed and addressed.

In that spirit, here are 6 things every company should be doing now to build a high-performing team that delivers in 2023.

1) Review your current workforce. Who are the stars that can be counted on to produce? Are there emerging leaders ready to take on new roles? And if so, are you prepared to compensate them accordingly? At the same time, evaluate whether any current employees are at risk, either voluntarily or involuntarily. If they part ways with the company, is there a plan in place to stay on top of tasks, and to replace them?

2) Assess your plans for growth. Are there expectations of expanding products or services in the new year, or perhaps adding new ones? If so, now is the time to determine whether the current team can take on added responsibilities. If not, decide how the workforce will be restructured and/or fortified to support new opportunities.

3) Evaluate your systems and technology. Each year brings new advances in technology that can make your employees more efficient and effective. When was the last time you upgraded your organization’s capabilities? This is a perfect time to lift up the hood and check your tech: is it adequate to support your employees’ needs, or is an overhaul in order?

4) Review where recruiting worked. Take a close look at everything you did to attract new employees to the organization: job postings, job fairs, social media outreach, and more. What generated the most response? What drove the success of that approach (or approaches)? And, is it possible to build on that?

5) Determine where recruiting didn’t work. It’s likely that some recruiting efforts fell short of expectations. Assess why that happened, and more importantly, decide whether precious time and resources should be shifted to another avenue that yielded better results.

6) Review your compensation packages. Spoiler alert: hiring and keeping top talent in 2023 will get more expensive. As the job market remains exceedingly tight, top employees and candidates can demand – and get – higher salaries, improved benefits, and valuable perks. Be sure your organization is competitive in those regards.

As the winds of economic uncertainty continue to swirl, the new year will be filled with challenges for employers as they seek to attract and retain top talent. The professionals at Alaant have the expertise and experience that can give your company an edge. Want to learn more about how we can help? Contact us today and let’s get the conversation started!

About the Author

Tom Schin Director, Talent Acquisition Partnerships & Recruiting Consulting Services for Alaant Workforce Solutions

Tom SchinDirector, Talent Acquisition Partnerships & Recruiting Consulting Services

When he’s not working, Tom is an avid board game enthusiast, from Catan to Canasta, who makes sure game night is fun for everyone (even though they’ll probably lose). He’s also fond of celebrating his status as a child of the ‘80s by watching Star Wars, listening to U2, and reminiscing about his (gone-but-not-forgotten) Andre Agassi haircut.