One of the most important lessons employers have learned during the pandemic is that remote workers can be valuable contributors to an organization. Not only has productivity not fallen with employees working from outside the office, many studies point to higher levels of productivity in the remote and hybrid working environment.
This realization has prompted an increasing number of employers to actively recruit remote employees to join their teams. While this is encouraging, it also requires companies to take the necessary steps to ensure their remote workforce will be successful. Here are three keys to making that happen.
The power of technology
From keeping remote employees connected to ensuring they have the tools needed to do their job, technology is critical. Fortunately, there are a host of digital programs available to employers. From Slack to Zoom to Microsoft Teams, there are many options that enable remote workers to interact with colleagues quickly and easily. Similarly, numerous online software programs can help to assess workflow, connect project teams, and boost productivity. And be sure to keep this in mind: investing in technology is great, but employees have to be trained on how to use it.
Communication is critical
Since managers won’t see remote employees at the office, maintaining open and consistent communication with them is essential. This means having frequent conversations to review goals, check progress, and offer feedback. Ongoing discussions will keep work on track, and if problems arise, they give managers a chance to address them early on. If you’re waiting for an annual performance review to share input and direction, you’re waiting too long. In the case of managing a remote employee, it’s impossible to overcommunicate.
Build a cohesive culture
Remote employees should be viewed no differently than office employees: they are full members of the team and need to be treated as such. Include remote workers in all company events and activities, which can be done easily with technologies such as Zoom or livestreams. Another idea is to create online events that cater specifically to your remote employees, perhaps a virtual happy hour or wine tasting. Whatever you do, send a clear message to your remote employees that they are valued and considered important members of your organization.
Pandemic or not, remote work is here to stay. Alaant’s expert team can help your company find the right remote workers, and put systems in place to ensure they’re successful. to make it happen. Contact us today and let’s get the conversation started!