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HR in the Car - Episode 14: "Roadside Assistance"

The first guest to bring props. We love it. You will too. Sit back and hear about her Roadside Assistance Kit and what’s in it to help save any given day – from the lens of an HR professional. Jennifer shares her stories from the trenches, some laughter, and fun having worked with so many businesses and supporting a number of nonprofits throughout her career. 

About Jennifer

Jennifer is the President and Co-Founder of Integra HR, LLC. After 30 years in leadership and executive roles, in a variety of industries across non-profit and for-profit sectors, Jennifer founded Integra HR. Why? Because she knows owners do not start companies and leaders do not join companies to understand the complexities of HR, and she does. Integra takes on the HR complexities, so owners and leaders can focus on their core business. Jennifer’s passion is working with clients to avoid costly HR mistakes, maximizing ROI in solid HR practices, and embracing “Aha” moments. When leaders excel employees say, “I love working here” and the organization moves mountains! Jennifer and the Integra team help clients achieve increased productivity and healthy work environments through a unique blend of services, a collaborative approach, and thinking outside the box.  

Early in her career Jennifer built HR functions where HR did not exist. Throughout her career she has achieved valuable expertise in HR, training, cultural and organizational transformation, compliance, risk management, operations, and program development.  Jennifer received her Business Management degree with a concentration in psychology from the Rochester Institute of Technology. She is passionate about learning, holds multiple HR certifications, is a certified Employee Assistance Coaching Specialist and also certified in Mental Health First Aid.  

There is one last thing to know, and it goes beyond Jennifer’s love for HR and connecting people to the right resources. She has a mission-driven soul and found purpose by giving back and serving her community. In fact, she formed Integra’s Give Back & Impact program that benefits agencies and schools serving vulnerable populations. Lastly, Jennifer has served on numerous boards and was an elected Board of Education member for six years. 

Connect with her to learn how you can focus on your core business and ultimately shake things up in our community and the business world! 

Book: "Good to Great"  by Jim Collins 

One of the great organizations she mentioned who do great work: 
Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth 

Jennifer L. Massey, SPHR, SHRM SCP, EA-CS™ 
Integra HR, LLC  
President & Co-Founder 

Speaker 1: Welcome to HR In the Car with Miriam Dushane and Tom Schin of Alaant Workforce Solutions, where exciting HR professionals and business leaders share laughter, insider stories, and maybe even a few tears about HR in today's world. Buckle up for the best half hour of your week.

Tom Schin: So Miriam, I am blown away by the goody basket our next guest brought in. It just sets a new height for what we need to strive for.

Miriam Dushane: So the bar's been raised to all of our future guests. I'm letting you know now. This is your warning. You got to bring us gifts and goody baskets. Wait till you hear this.

Tom Schin: Welcome everyone to another great episode of HR In the Car. We're here today with Jennifer Massey. She started Integra HR about three years ago and has a few other businesses she worked with in the past that we've been familiar with, and we're excited to have her on the show today to talk about all the great things she's doing in her world and some exciting stuff she brought with her today that we'll talk about as well. Thanks for joining us, Jennifer.

Jennifer Massey: Thank you for having me. I'm very excited to be here today.

Miriam Dushane: I am too. I love talking to different businesses and these business conversations are my favorite one, because you do similar to what we do, that we don't just focus on one business. We have multiple businesses that we serve. And so it's always fun because there's so much, right? There's like, oh, the shake your head moments or the aha moments. But I love collaborating with you because we can commiserate sometimes together and we have a lot in common from that perspective. So I'm so glad you were able to join us today, so we know what you do. But if you were at a party or a non- business related event and someone were to ask you what do you do? What's your business? What do you do? What would you usually say? How do you explain it?

Jennifer Massey: I typically start out and say I'm in the people business.

Miriam Dushane: Okay.

Jennifer Massey: And so for those that might not necessarily have a real great connection with human resources or understand really what it is that we do as HR professionals, I kind of say everything that happens at your place of employment or your loved one's place of employment, if they don't happen to be in the workspace, I help employers and those employees navigate everything related to their work as well as many outside items like leaves and maybe somebody has passed and taking that special vacation time. And so anything related to your workspace. People can tend to relate to that because at some point in their lives, they've worked. Right?

Miriam Dushane: Yep.

Jennifer Massey: And again, to say you're just HR, people don't really understand what that means.

Miriam Dushane: Definitely.

Jennifer Massey: But when they think of all the things that they navigate in the workplace, they can really connect to that.

Miriam Dushane: Definitely.

Tom Schin: I can remember those days early in my career, they would send you to HR and you had no idea, especially coming into the workforce, HR just means I'm in trouble. We have one of those folks, works for us every time was like, " We need to talk." And you're like, "Am I in trouble?" But then if you think about, I know at least for me, when I think about all the things that I would go to HR for, it was always a help and it didn't click for years that you're always going there for help not to get scolded or sent to the principal's office.

Miriam Dushane: Exactly. So you're an HR consultant?

Jennifer Massey: I am.

Miriam Dushane: Is there a specific model or a specific way that you provide your consulting services? Because obviously there's a lot of models out there, locally, nationally, and so share with us just a little bit more detail about, say you're pitching a client. What would you say to the client if you were in front of them, to the services that you would provide to that organization?

Jennifer Massey: Sure. If I'm working with a business owner, it would be really that investment. What is that return on the investment and solid HR practices? So let's reduce the risk, let's get things set up, and then let's build a culture that's going to help sustain your business. If it's a leader that's joining, really, they don't understand the complexities. They're not meant to understand the complexities of HR, and they get distracted with that. So it's how can we partner together so that you can do your core focus and business and stay away from the complexities of HR. That's what we're there for and that's what we can help you to do. But also really customizing it to their environment, their people, their culture, and what they want out of those HR practices.

Miriam Dushane: Gotcha. Very good.

Tom Schin: What's been your favorite part of that, your favorite conversation out of that?

Jennifer Massey: I would say really getting past kind of the misunderstandings and misconceptions. Something that you actually highlighted, Tom, just a moment ago about going to the principal's office, being scolded, or sometimes we're referred to as the police department, right? So we're navigating and we're there watching, right? And then we're the ones who are going to take the action. And that's really not what our role is. Our role is to interpret policy and make sure, we're holding people accountable to those policies, but really having it be a help and a support. And people tend to come to HR, not when things are great. They come when they're having really big challenges. And so the thought is come in and let's navigate that together. And so to be that support. And we're not really in the business of saying no. And one of the things that we've incorporated into our culture is the yes and statement. It's really critically important. There's ways of saying no without saying no, and you can still get to the same outcome. So perfect example would be when a client says, "Well, I need to do X," and you say, "That is great, that's where you want to go. How do you plan on navigating that?" And maybe they lay out a plan that might derail them, might get them in a bit of trouble, or might impact their image. And what we say is, "We can get you there. And what about if we navigate and look at these other options?" So maybe we just have to step back a little bit, take a little bit more time, or just maneuver around that and be creative in that solution process. They tend to embrace that.

Tom Schin: Right.

Jennifer Massey: Nowhere in there did I say, no, I'm still going to get them to that ultimate goal that they want to achieve. It's just maybe it's done in a different way.

Tom Schin: Well, it's like the road trip, right? We think of HR In the Car we think the road trips. You going from Albany to say Philadelphia and all the detours you have to take. Sometimes it's necessary and sometimes you hit some great things along the way.

Jennifer Massey: Absolutely.

Tom Schin: Not brought over, but...

Miriam Dushane: Well, and again, if we're going to continue with the HR In the Car metaphors, you are keeping them out of getting speeding tickets.

Jennifer Massey: Absolutely.

Miriam Dushane: You're keeping them out of traffic jams that might delay them for 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 hours. And you are trying to make it as efficient as possible while saving them money, saving them time, saving them effort. And so it's really important.

Jennifer Massey: Absolutely. And it doesn't take them away from their ultimate outcome.

Miriam Dushane: Exactly.

Jennifer Massey: Of what they desire to achieve.

Miriam Dushane: Exactly. And I know you and I have had conversations about this, especially with smaller business owners. They just don't know what they don't know. And then something bad happens or could happen, and then it's like " Uh oh." The oh moment where you're like, "Oh no, what did I just do?" Or what... Usually it's what they've already done. It's never, "I'm thinking about doing this." But usually it's already happened. And so making sure that you're getting the right resources in place and you're helping navigate that as best as possible. Absolutely.

Tom Schin: Those are the fun questions when they're saying "Theoretically" and you know already.

Miriam Dushane: Yeah. It's already happened.

Jennifer Massey: It's already happened.

Miriam Dushane: It's already happened. So what if...

Jennifer Massey: And we're reflecting on that. Or we've been contacted by someone, right? I got this weird letter in the mail.

Miriam Dushane: Yeah. Oh, the weird letter in the mail.

Jennifer Massey: I got this weird letter in the mail. Or somebody's knocking at the door and they say they're from the Department of Labor. Can I send them home now?

Miriam Dushane: Yeah, yeah. Don't do that. You offer them coffee.

Jennifer Massey: Absolutely. Make them comfortable and give them what they need as you run into the closet and call John Bagyi.

Miriam Dushane: That's right. Absolutely.

Tom Schin: Right.

Miriam Dushane: Amen. Definitely. So you deal with a lot of different types of businesses. Is there any core business that you work with or industry types that you work with?

Jennifer Massey: So we work with a variety. I love entrepreneurs. I love business owners. So we have some clients that they're hiring their first employee, so we want to get them set up right.

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely.

Jennifer Massey: Right from the beginning and build that together. We have mid- size clients that they want project- based work, things they just can't get to, or they have staff that have been promoted into these positions or hired into these positions, and they need mentorship, they need guidance, they need that one 800 call HR consultation. And then we have really large clients with a couple thousand employees, multimillion dollar institutions or businesses, and they need strategic and culture assessments and project based work because again, maybe that employee handbook's been sitting there for a while and nobody can get to it. So we go in and do those types of things, HR assessments of their departments so that they can really understand what's working well and where there's areas of opportunity to really improve.

Miriam Dushane: So one of the things that I think is really important for people to understand, especially that small business owner, that even with one employee, so many laws, so much compliance and regulation does apply. A lot of times I've dealt with employers that they're like, " Well, we only have five employees." I'm like, "Yep. And you still have to follow all of these rules, and if someone were to walk in your door right now, you might be in really big trouble." So I think it's really important for people to understand that even if it's just one employee that you have, you are subject to a lot of compliance and a lot of laws that you need to be aware of or have someone like you, Jennifer, help with that. So what are your clients asking you for? What's the biggest trends? What are the things that you're seeing across the board? It's like, "Oh, I just got off a call with this guy who wants this problem solved." And "Oh, it's a different company, but it's the same problem solved." Is there any of that going on or?

Jennifer Massey: There really is, and I would say there's a couple of factors that are going on. One is the difficulty with recruitment, which I'm sure you can really understand based on the work that you're doing each and every day for clients. And they're really struggling with that. It's the first time to use the hip cool word ghosted. And one individual in the HR space posted a couple weeks ago about they're being ghosted by HR professionals. So wow. Right?

Miriam Dushane: Yeah.

Jennifer Massey: Where has the professionalism gone? Maybe from our space as well, and just having the inability to be as flexible within the workspace based on what the employees or the candidates are looking for. And they're just really struggling with putting in processes, procedures, things that will attract those individuals to want to come and work with them. The other piece that we're seeing is a lack of leadership development. And so we're spending a lot of time talking about training and development and building leaders. Businesses continue to make, I think, some tough decisions. We promote people into leadership roles because they're technically astute, not because they might be people managers and leaders.

Tom Schin: Right.

Miriam Dushane: They're usually the best performer in sales, the best performer in customer service, the best performer in what have you. And then-

Tom Schin: And we've been talking about this for decades, and it's still going on.

Miriam Dushane: It's still going on.

Jennifer Massey: Yes. And so building two tracks of recognition for individuals. So if you have those technical people, you still have to retain them. So building that track for them. And then the other side of the coin is really developing people leaders. And one of the things that the pandemic has taught us, and I think one of the biggest takeaways from that is really needing to manage the whole person. We were in people's homes, we understood their mailman, or their mail person, I should say, coming to the house. The dogs are barking, the cat's jumping up. So we even understood those types of schedules that were happening in people's lives. You're in their basements and closets and offices or living rooms, and...

Miriam Dushane: Sometimes even bathrooms.

Jennifer Massey: That has happened.

Tom Schin: That's where all this started. Remember the Jennifer thing on Twitter. You can spend all day there.

Jennifer Massey: Absolutely. So I think one of the things that we have to keep in mind is people, right? There's no separation any longer, and the expectation that people are going to compartmentalize their lives, it's just not going to happen. And the mental health and wellbeing pieces, and that's hard for managers to navigate. And there's also some complexities, some rules and regulations around that as well. So it's really talking with those organizations about how do you develop those teams and how do you develop those leaders and how do you build that culture and how do you give them the tools and the skills and the support they need in order to really navigate what's happening out there today?

Miriam Dushane: Definitely.

Tom Schin: That really segues well to our question of the week that we had talked about, which is how companies are using learning and training and development opportunities as a recruiting tool or a retention tool. Are you seeing that trend come up with your clients? I mean, are you seeing it grow? The stats that we had from our survey was that there's at least 40% who weren't leveraging that at all, which just blew our minds.

Jennifer Massey: So I would say that they aren't leveraging it. What I am seeing though, is when we're talking through what the issues are, it comes back to that topic. They're not necessarily identifying it as that. They're saying, "We're not able to retain. People are burned out, people are frustrated." And they're not connecting the dots that in many instances, employees do leave because of their supervisor-

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely.

Jennifer Massey: And or their leadership. And that's the biggest thing or obstacle that becomes day to day for them, where they can't either have the type of relationship that they want to, the professional development, the coaching, the mentoring that needs to occur. And you've got leaders in these roles that maybe haven't been developed fully. So it's not really anyone's fault or problem. So no finger pointing here, it's just a matter of we're talking about the symptoms, we're not talking about the systemic issue that's driving those symptoms. But once we kind of peel back all those layers and we start talking, it comes down to those fundamentals of we need to develop leaders. We also need to develop staff and build communication vehicles and performance feedback mechanisms that really are not checking in every six months or once a year type thing. So it's really how do we do that instantaneous feedback in the moment and develop good communication. And ultimately it's about building trust.

Tom Schin: Well, and I think the thing that I hear most, if I put my person in the lawyer side hat on, all right, how am I going to fit that into my schedule? I've already got to make these widgets and service these widgets and sell these widgets. Where do you expect me to fit that in?

Jennifer Massey: Absolutely. And I think one of the things that they talk about is, lack of resources, which is exactly what you're identifying. Our biggest lack of resource is time. And we get derailed and we get focused in on maybe some of the things that we shouldn't be focused in on. So it's how do we look at whatever it is that's happening there and really hone in on that systemic issue and then build a plan and keep people on track?

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely. It's interesting because I think, and I've had these conversations with leaders in my organization. It's like, and I say this loosely, they'll say, or complain, "Everybody was asking me all these different questions today and I couldn't get any of my work done." And I go, " You got exactly the right work done. Your work is to make sure that your team has the resources, the guidance and everything that they need to perform well. If you have too many tasks yourself to do, then we need to look at your workload because it's not prioritized correctly. Your job isn't to do check off lists or do whatever it is. Your job is to make sure this team can perform at its ultimate level." And that's what I see happens a lot is we have these, and I'm using air quotes, working managers, and I don't think that that's a good thing. I mean, your working manager is exactly what they're supposed to be doing. They're supposed to be developing and working with their teams. They shouldn't have quotas, they shouldn't have these certain things that also are going to stack up there because then you're also going to have burnout from them and they're not going to be taking care of the team that is ultimately the foundation that's going to help your company thrive and be successful.

Tom Schin: Well, and they can't lead by example either.

Miriam Dushane: No.

Jennifer Massey: They absolutely can't. One of the things that I hear every time I do leadership development training is " This takes so much time. People take so much time." I'm welcome to my 30 plus year world.

Miriam Dushane: Oh my God.

Jennifer Massey: Right?

Miriam Dushane: Right. Absolutely.

Jennifer Massey: They do.

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely.

Jennifer Massey: They absolutely do.

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely. All right. So you brought with today in the theme of HR In the Car, a roadside assistance kit. I will describe it as a lovely blue basket. So I think of roadside assistance kits as being these big boxy kits. And I much prefer this. This is much more eye pleasing for me and in it are all sorts of things. And again, since we're going down the metaphor of HR In the Car, there is a ton of stuff here and we won't be able to get to all the items. And we did take a picture of it ahead of time, so we'll make sure that we post that somewhere. But let's talk a little bit about couple of the roadside assistance items that are critical to any business slash HR person.

Jennifer Massey: So to have a little bit of fun, I was trying to think of what could I bring to the table of being HR In the Car? So I think everybody needs a fire extinguisher. I think on occasion-

Miriam Dushane: Amen.

Jennifer Massey: We're putting out those fires as HR professionals, I think we can all relate to that as business owners.

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely.

Jennifer Massey: We use those as well.

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely.

Tom Schin: Are we allowed to use those as colleagues?

Miriam Dushane: All right, so now... Yeah.

Jennifer Massey: I think... Well, maybe not.

Miriam Dushane: That's a good one. So I have to know about the toilet cleaner though. That's killing me. I want to know why we have the works toilet bowl cleaner.

Jennifer Massey: The works. So sometimes we just have to bring out everything and get it done. So...

Miriam Dushane: I feel like you're cleaning up your language for me for this one. Because I was thinking a whole different...

Jennifer Massey: Different....

Miriam Dushane: Realm we were going to go down on that one.

Tom Schin: Me too.

Jennifer Massey: Well, that's for the latex gloves. So everybody needs a pair of latex gloves because when we are doing what we do well you wear many hats. So you may be asked to clean that toilet.

Miriam Dushane: Client that toilet.

Jennifer Massey: And I think in light of we're coming, well, I guess we're on the other side and now we're living with COVID.

Miriam Dushane: Yeah. We live with it now.

Jennifer Massey: But did we ever think that we would need Microban 24 hour sanitizer? Or we're asked to resolve. So really eliminate whatever.

Tom Schin: I thought you were inferring all the stains that are in our lives.

Jennifer Massey: Well that too.

Miriam Dushane: And the work and all of that.

Jennifer Massey: Yeah. So it's right. We need Resolve.

Miriam Dushane: So what are the silly scent crayons? Or washable markers for?

Jennifer Massey: I love silly scents. So if you just need a whiff of something different in your life in the moment when it might be a little bit stressful, you can sit back and pick your favorite scent.

Tom Schin: I love that.

Jennifer Massey: And it's legal to do in the workplace.

Miriam Dushane: I love it. So funny story, a long, long time ago, I got highlighters that were scented grape, blueberry and like a bubble gum. And the pink was bubble gum and it was so delightful. And people thought I was a loony tune, which those who know me know I am have a little loony side, but I can totally relate to this.

Jennifer Massey: Love it.

Miriam Dushane: I would totally be using these and I actually think I'm going to go buy some, because I want the scented markers. Because that's amazing.

Jennifer Massey: And they're fun if you're doing a training too.

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely.

Jennifer Massey: So let's see. We also, you have to have super glue, right? Because we're expected to stick things together and make them work.

Tom Schin: Fair enough.

Jennifer Massey: We need a night light because we're supposed to come up with ideas and also be like the light at the end of the tunnel.

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely.

Jennifer Massey: ... For some people they're going through difficult times. You have to have the cleaning erasers. But I love the Great Value brand, which is they are miracles.

Miriam Dushane: Miracles.

Jennifer Massey: Because HR is many times asked to produce some kind of miracle along the way. The sponge is one of my favorites because as HR professionals, how many rules, regulations do we have to learn and absorb? And you just need to be that sponge on a constant basis.

Miriam Dushane: That's a great one. Yeah, that's a good metaphor.

Jennifer Massey: And we have never seen the changes we have in the last two to three years. I mean, I tell a client something on Friday and by Saturday morning it was wrong. and I'm on the back and going, oops, sorry about what I told you yesterday.

Miriam Dushane: Nevermind.

Tom Schin: Like when eraser mate came out with the erasable ink.

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely. Absolutely.

Tom Schin: The one thing I think is missing here is the whip, right? To be able to crack the whip?

Jennifer Massey: Well or a hat that says like, "I'm herding cats." So...

Tom Schin: You need that on Catbert.

Miriam Dushane: I like that one a lot.

Jennifer Massey: We need that on Catbert. So I did bring my Catbert, the evil HR director with me because I think we've all been seen as or thought of as that character, even though that's really not what our role is and not what we do. We're expected to be the Energizer Bunny, so you've got some batteries here and our energy has to be 50% longer than and lasting than those others around us.

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely.

Jennifer Massey: We're not allowed to have a down day. It's kind of like those commercials when you see the parent coming in and saying, "I need to take day off." Because they're sick.

Miriam Dushane: Yep.

Jennifer Massey: And there's no taking that day off.

Miriam Dushane: Yep.

Jennifer Massey: My favorite is the hedgehog and the hedgehog is really based on one of my favorite all time books, which is by Jim Collins. Good to Great, Let's be a Hedgehog, know what we do really well and do it well and not be that fox. So we all take a pledge. So we have some pledge in here as well. So as HR professionals, we have that awesome code of professional conduct that when we get our certifications, so we pledge to do the right things. One of my favorites and something that always makes me laugh is when things are happening, I guess the new terminology is called being punked.

Miriam Dushane: Okay.

Jennifer Massey: If I was cool, but now that I'm the age that I am and having two children in their twenties, I might not be as cool as I used to think or at least tried to be. But you have those moments of, "Am I on candid camera?" So I love this sign.

Miriam Dushane: The sign that says "I'm on candid camera."

Jennifer Massey: Absolutely.

Miriam Dushane: Well this has been amazing and when you walked in with it, we were cracking up because we were like, 'What in the world is she up to?'

Tom Schin: She brought props.

Miriam Dushane: And if anyone knows Tom, Tom's all about the props.

Tom Schin: Yeah. I couldn't get my hands off of this thing fast enough.

Miriam Dushane: Yeah, no, he was loving it. So what we always like to wrap up with is learning from you outside of work, what things are important to you, what causes do you support, volunteer work that you might do that we might be able to shine a little spotlight on so that other people might become aware of it and perhaps throw their hat in the ring to help out.

Jennifer Massey: That's great. And the list goes on and on. I'll just quickly put out there that during the pandemic, we started a program called Give Back and Impact. And that program was really focused in on two core things, assisting agencies that had essential workers, direct care professionals that don't make a whole heck of a lot of money, but do incredibly intense work and trying to get agencies the resources that they need during that pandemic time. And then the other piece is really on school and education. It is a huge passion of mine. So school supplies and working with food pantries and the food insecurity that is still occurring. And with inflation it's even more so. But the organizations that we partner regularly with are agencies like Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth, Vander Hyden, the Commission on Economic Opportunity, most specifically their food pantry program, St. Catherine's. And some other things that I'm really passionate about are breast cancer awareness. I lost my sister over 25 years ago to that. So definitely something that I focus in on every day and think about every day. But one of the things that I'm just thrilled to be able to be a part of is a community that does come together when it needs to happen. And somehow you're like, "Is anybody going to show up for the event? Are we going to get any donations? How is this going to work?" And it's just been an amazing experience to see the care and the love and the people come out and do that. So all you have to do is pay it forward.

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely.

Jennifer Massey: I would love for you to donate to some of the organizations that we support. However, there's so many things out there. And so we have a pay it forward Friday every week and we highlight somebody who's paying it forward or we just challenge people to do something, even if it's a random act of kindness where you don't even need to spend any money. It's check in with somebody, send a card, place a call. Those types of things. You just never know what that individual on the other end is experiencing or going through. And those random acts of kindness, you have no idea what it could do or change that life-

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely.

Jennifer Massey: For the day.

Tom Schin: Yeah. I love the pay it forward Fridays. I've seen those on your LinkedIn feed pretty regularly and those are always a great inspiration for folks to realize that while we all have stress in our own lives, we can't see behind the curtain of what everyone else has. And a lot of times it's way more serious and intense than you could ever imagine and you just don't know, because it's those areas that you can't ask about or you don't feel comfortable with.

Miriam Dushane: So Jennifer, thank you for bringing your roadside assistance kit with you today. I love it. And we thank you so much for joining us on HR In the Car, and we wish you much success and we will make sure that we list in our show notes everything that you were talking about in terms of the pay it forward and the different organizations that you're involved with so that we can get the word out. And thank you so much for being here.

Jennifer Massey: Thank you for having me.

Tom Schin: Boy, that was fun, wasn't it? The whole concept of Give Back and Impact was something that resonated with me and her toys. I just wanted to take them home.

Miriam Dushane: So what was interesting about the roadside assistant kit was that everything in there was such a complete metaphor for something in an HR professional's life. From the 50% more on the batteries to the miracle cleaners, to the toilet bowl cleaner, which I totally thought she was going to go in a different direction on that one.

Tom Schin: So did I. That could have gotten really messy.

Miriam Dushane: But maybe shame on us and where our brains go. But hey, after 25 years in HR, what do you expect from us?

Tom Schin: A lot of no's, that no button topped the cake.

Miriam Dushane: I know and we didn't... I wanted to press it during the podcast and I totally forgot, but you guys get the picture. It's like the easy button, but it says no instead.

Tom Schin: Hope you enjoyed this episode of HR In the Car. Looking forward to having more conversations with future guests like Jennifer.

Miriam Dushane: Absolutely.

Tom Schin: So thanks for listening to another great episode of HR in the Car. We look forward to chatting with you next time.