Work-life balance and work-life integration are always top of mind. From our recent poll, it’s clear that more people are fully disconnecting from work while on vacation 66% responded they do disconnect fully, which is fantastic! But let’s explore why some feel the need to stay connected.
Are you able to fully disconnect because your employer encourages rest, knowing that refreshed employees return more productive and satisfied? Or, do you struggle to disconnect because boundaries aren't clearly set, and you feel guilty about being unreachable? Maybe you prefer staying connected to avoid being overwhelmed by a backlog of work when you return?
Here are a few tips for employers: Encourage complete disconnection during time off. Studies show that employees who truly unplug come back more engaged and effective. If some team members feel the need to stay connected, reassure them that they can rely on their colleagues, and ensure there’s proper coverage so they can relax.
And for employees, while it’s tempting to always be the go-to person, running yourself into the ground isn’t beneficial for you or your employer. Plan ahead by ensuring you have backup, transferring necessary tasks, and setting up a smooth return. Reserve your first day back for catching up and settling in—avoid overloading yourself with meetings and extra stress.
Attracting and retaining talent isn’t just about hiring. It’s about creating a culture that values balance, flexibility, and well-being throughout the entire employee experience.
Alaant works with employers daily to find the best talent and help to keep them- should we talk? Call me at 518-689-3138 or visit us at I’m looking forward to connecting with you soon—have a wonderful week!